Canadian Guns Database
This is primarily a navigation page that is intended to get you to the specific gun or type of guns that you are interested in. You can look up broad categories like "Rifles", sub-categories like "rimfire rifles" or click on a specific gun to be taken to its information page. So please, use our navigation below to find the guns you want.
If the shooting iron you are looking for isn't here, bookmark this page and check back often since we will be adding guns to the database every day. If there is no link there is no article yet available for that particular firearm.
Rifles : click for rifle page (where you can find specific rifles)
Which general type of rifle are you looking for?
- click for Centrefire Rifles available in Canada (bolt action, semi auto, lever, and other)
- click for Rimfire Rifles available in Canada (bolt action, semi auto, lever, and other)
Shotguns : click for shotgun page (where you can find specific shotguns)
- click for Canadian Pump Action shotguns
- click for Single Shot/Double Barrel Shotguns (break action)
- click for Semi-Automatic shotguns in Ontario Shotguns
Handguns : click here for our pistol page (where you can find specific handguns)
- click this link for Semi-Automatic
- or here for Revolvers
Combination guns are guns that have two or more different calibres of ammunition chambered in two or more different actions. Some combination guns have been known to chamber five or more different actions!
Are old school guns for historians and enthusiasts. Most are still classified as firearms and legal to hunt with. Some may be classified as inactive antiques
Laws regarding Canadian Firearms
This is a page that is coming soon that will contain all the relevant laws to do with Canadian guns. These laws have been changing.
Some of the most popular Gun Manufacturers in Canada
- Mossberg canada
- Savage canada
- Ruger Canada
- Beretta canada
- Marlin canada
- Remington canada : Shotguns and Rifles: Remington is probably the most popular gun maker in Canada.
- Winchester Canada
- Springfield canada
- Baikal canada
- Colt canada
- Glocks in Canada
- Norinco guns in Canada
- Walther
- A.A. Arms
- Mauser Canada
- Sig Sauer
- H & K
- Taurus - Military Surplus Rifles: SKS, AK47, M-16 and more
Points = popularity. The higher the points, the more popular the gun manufacturer is in Canada.
Used Guns
Our used gun section is under construction, but expect it to be second to none. It will be broken into 3 sections: used canadian rifles, used canadian shotguns, and used canadian handguns. Each gun will have a description of condition, one or more photos/pics, a price, legal distinction (non-restricted, restricted, prohibited) and more.
Prohibited Guns in Canada
There are many different guns and classes of guns that are considered prohibited in Canada. You can view many of them by checking our our Machine guns Canada, our surplus/military pages. Many of these guns are available if they are deactivated ( for example, a friend of mine has a MP40 submachinegun, but it has long been deactivated).
Ammunition Barn:
Ammunition: Rimfire Ammo, Centerfire ammo, Shotgun ammo, handgun ammo
Below are but some of the many thousands of firearms manufacturers. Some we have articles on and others we plan to one day write about. Some are not available in Canada and are discontinued, banned or otherwise not available.
Companies starting with A
A.A. A&B High Performance Arms - defunct, ADC, A K S (maker of the original AK-47), AMSD, AMP Technical Service, AMT, (automag, operating out of TExas), A-SQUARE, ATA Arms, AWA USA, AYA (Spainish), Abadie, Accu Match, Accu-Tek. Accuracy International Ltd - rifle manufacturer from England, Acha, Acme, Action Arms, Action Legends, Adams (defunct, English),Adco Sales (Turkish shotgun manufacturer), Adirondack Arms, Advantage Arms USA, Aetna, Ajax Army, Akdal (turkish pistol maker), Akkar, Akrill, Alamo Ranger, Alaskan Commeratives, Alchemy Arms, Alert, Allesandri, Alexander Arms, Alexia, Allen & Thurber, Allen Firearms (Sante Fe based, shut down in 90s), Almar, Alpha Arms, America Remembers (made historical arms repros), American Arms, Amnerican Derringer Co (made derringer reproductions), American Firearms Manufacturing, American Gun Co (a lot with the name America!), American Legends, cont'd