Advertise with Canada guns is a new website that focuses on firearms in Canada. The site went live in October, 2009 and so far the response has been overwhelming.  In the Month of Nov-Dec 2010 we received over 25000 unique visitors and the site is still only under development.  Our target audience is Canadians who seek to purchase guns. Over 70% of our visitors are looking for information on where and how to purchase guns in Canada and they are looking for particular guns they want to buy.

Popular search terms are phrases like “Buy shotguns in Canada” “Buy rifles in Canada” or particular guns like "Buy Ruger 10/22 in Canada" and 1500+ other gun related terms. If you, as an advertiser, are interested in some of the recurring search themes that our visitors have entered to find our site, we can provide an analytics read out of the 100s of unique, Canadian gun related terms. Use this form to Contact us or call 705-224-2447.

Advertisement Packages

We have a number of banner and skyscraper image or text ad options available. See the below image for an idea of the site and placement of the options you have to choose from.

The prices are as follows:

Other sizes are negiotiable. Contact us for more info.

Each package includes:




Copyright, 2009. Disclaimer

Note: At this time Canada Rifles is not a registered Canadian firearms or ammunition dealer. We plan, in the future, to sell firearms and ammunition in Canada, but at present this site is for information only.